Getting Started

Frames has a simple, but unique, structure to organise notes. Here we'll show you how it works.

Notes are added to a Frame

Create a new Frame from the search/add field. Press Return (⏎) to create the new Frame.

Each Frame is an outliner, which means it contains a hierarchy of notes. Press Return (⏎) to create a new note. Tab (⇥) and Backtab (⇧⇥) indent and outdent notes.

In this video we create a Frame called Cat.

Include Frames in others to categorise them

Where many apps use tags, Frames uses other Frames! Drag one Frame into another to categorise it. A Frame can be added to more than one Frame, and placed independently in each.

In the next video, a new Tiger Frame is categorised as Cat.

Import, quote and summarise documents

If you want to keep source materials in your notes, Frames will help you focus on the key information.

To import a PDF, drag it onto the Frames icon in your Dock. Frames creates a Frame about that document. Highlight interesting parts of the document and press ⌘' to add a quote (a special note) to the Frame.

Quotes can be organised like any other note. Clicking on a quote will take you to the original, in the document.

You can quote images and diagrams too. Hold Alt (⌥) to drag and select areas of the document.

Arrange notes in multiple Frames/contexts

Notes and quotes can be added to multiple Frames. You can categorise quotes by their source and subject.

Reference Frames to capture relationships

References allow notes to be linked more freely.

Search for any Frame and use its title in a note. Each Frame captures a list of all references to it. References can be placed in the Frame hierarchy if you wish.